Why Do We Trade Too Big? Stocks & Options Making Large Trades

Why Do We Trade Too Big? Stocks & Options Making Large Trades

Often enough we convince ourselves to make higher risk trades when we are on a winning streak. Here’s a few tips to keep your mental game right when executing trades. Sometimes you feel like you can do no wrong and may feel you are in control of the market or...
Tastyworks Tutorial: How To Buy Stock Shares

Tastyworks Tutorial: How To Buy Stock Shares

Since the Tastyworks platform is primarily built for options traders, there may be some confusion on whether you can buy and sell stock shares. But there is in fact a stock buying and shorting function on the Tastyworks platform. It’s simple but easy enough to...
How To Trade Options & Make Money With a Full Time Job

How To Trade Options & Make Money With a Full Time Job

There’s a lot of people out there who approach and ask if they can trade while maintaining a full time job. In this video we go over what type of trades you can put on and how to manage your risk. By being an options seller, you don’t have to sit in front...
Options Trading: Iron Condor Explained

Options Trading: Iron Condor Explained

There are tons of various strategies used when trading options and all of them have some weird names, but they all have their own time and place in the trading. Here I break down the iron condor, what it means, and what it’s used for. The terms can be...