Millennial’s Financial Guide: Saving Your First $1,000

Millennial’s Financial Guide: Saving Your First $1,000

As this is an area of struggle for most millennials, I’ve put together an extensive guide to how to approach being broke and being a millennial with minimal resources. This is not a guide for the typical weak millennial. This is for those who are sick of being...
Tastyworks Tutorial: Desktop Platform

Tastyworks Tutorial: Desktop Platform

Moving your trading to a new brokerage can be difficult and sometimes a whole new world of trading. Tastyworks being so unique in the way that it’s platform is built will most definitely raise some questions. Have no fear! We go through how to execute trades,...
Options Trading Strategies: Advanced Iron Condor

Options Trading Strategies: Advanced Iron Condor

An advanced iron condor strategy allows you to maximize your profit and make the most out of your time. This is an advanced strategy built off of the basic iron condor. Once you can properly execute an iron condor by piecing it together, more opportunities open up for...
Options Trading: Iron Condor Explained

Options Trading: Iron Condor Explained

There are tons of various strategies used when trading options and all of them have some weird names, but they all have their own time and place in the trading. Here I break down the iron condor, what it means, and what it’s used for. The terms can be...
Options Trading Simplified: Selling Premium

Options Trading Simplified: Selling Premium

There are tons of technical terms in trading, and not knowing can be really hard when your new to options trading. I put together a short video here explaining and simplifying some basic options trading terms and strategies. The more educated we are in the basics the...